Monday 4 February 2008

Bike update

I have recently returned from a quick trip to Iguazu and am feeling muy consado.
The Iguazu Falls were/are phenominal but I will write about them later.

I don´t have my bike yet. The agent over here doesn´t seem too helpful and is rather confusing. At the moment he is still waiting for a ´Number´ from the customs authority so that the bike can then be processed. This number should be here already. I also seem to be being charged double than normal - supposedly there are two companies responsible for my bike. We only have the phone number of one and no addresses for either... hmmm. Something is not right.

The other problem being the longer it takes for me to get the bike the more it costs me in port fees. I am expecting to have to pay a bit to get the bike but I don´t enjoy getting screwed over. I´m glad Sandra from Dakarmotos is helping me out..

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