Note to self: I will never ever ever ever go for a fly in another small plane ever again.
(Well not til next time..)
Again I could rave about the roads. This time from Cusco to Nasca. One bit that felt a bit weird, almost eerrie was about 100kms along a valley floor. I could swear I was going down the valley but each time I checked the river it was flowing the other way and water doesn´t flow up hill... It was quite confusing.
Anyhow I have left the cold Andies Mountain passes, for a while.. For the coast.
Haven´t quite made the coast yet as I stopped in Nasca.
Nasca is famous for its mysterious lines and pictures on the desert floor. Made some 2000 years ago. The reason for the lines and pictures are not 100 percent certain but the current theory is that they held a religous significance for the ancient Nasca people. The pictures are huge and can only be seen from the air (which is fine if you are a ´god´I suppose.) or in an airplane.
Which gets me back to the beginning of this post. I got sucked into taking a joyflight over the lines. Apart from taking a long time to actually get into the air (should have known better) all went well as we taxied off and launched into the air.
How could I forget that I have a tendency for motionsickness??
This is the only photo I got. 
30 seconds later I started to feel a bit off. The air was `quite´ bumpy and as we wheeled around and around going from one facinating picture on the ground to another I was fighting for sanity. Pictures of a monkey, spider, whale, fish, dog, man and more were glanced at as I tried to focus on the ever moving horizon. While I enjoyed the view and love the feeling of flying I just wanted to go back. Holding a flimsy plastic bag with the remains of your breakfast in it on your lap is not one of my favourite past times.
However after stumbling out of the plane after the 30 min rollercoaster ride I was still glad that I had actually had the opportunity of seeing these facinating pictures for myself.
But never again.
I have to say it's no fun at school
with out you, mr Dekker is to strict.I've read some of your blog it seem's like your having fun. I'm sorry but i have to say i only miss you a little bit.I don't have time to right any more (to much home work from mr Dekker).
Best news I´ve heard for a while - A strict teacher is just what you guys need.. ;-)
I know you are really enjoying it.
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