So, here I am, sitting behind a desk at my Uncle Peter's place in Smithers, British Colombia, Canada at the very end of my trip.
It has been a long time since I have updated this blog but the last couple weeks have been a bit of a blur as I made a rushed trip up through Mexico, The States and into Canada. Upon arriving in Smithers I was planning to take a couple days just to chill out and relax but the family over here had other ideas.. not that I am complaining at all.
I should rewind back a bit and share a few photos..

In Guatemala (yep, still way back in Central America) I went on a bit of a tour up a Volcano to see some red hot glowing lava. The top photo shows all the people spread out on the lava bed, convincing myself once again that I don't take tours as a preferemce..
The second photo shows a few red 'holes' that we had to skip around, unless we wanted a barbeque..
was a big country to travel through. Some 3 thousand plus kilometers. My odometer doesn't work any more so I don't really know exactly how far I have travelled since Panama...
Spending most of the time on the saddle meant I didn't get to see a lot in Mexico. It was a lot greener than I expected. Did manage to snag an arts festival and a regional fair in two of the nights which was a bonus, getting a chance to eat some great mexican food and hear a bit a of local music, even check out the local beauty pagent...:-)
12 Countries here (plus two more to come - US and Canada). Sometimes hard to believe that I actually made it..
The States..
Like Mexico I didn't have much time so it was a real bumonsaddle type trip. My bike, as reliable as it has been, gave me a spot of bother as it started to cut out for no reason during my last day in Mexico and after entering the States. The problem seemed to disappear so I expect it was a bad batch or two of fuel..
Colorado was a very pretty state. Worth a second visit I think..

Even Utah with its dry canyons and colourful sunsets..
And after a few more hard days I entered Canada. The home stretch.
The Banff and Jasper National Parks in Alberta were beautiful which I enjoyed seeing but I was on a mission...

Arriving at 10 oclock on a Wednesday night after dodging deer, a bear and a moose, after almost 10 thousand kms of constant travelling from Guatemala, after 6 months of travel from Buenos Aires down the southern tip of South America and then all the way North.. my uncle gets a call...
"Hey its me, Bruce...."