The road is no more.

No more will I buckle on my boots
No more will I strap up my helmet
No more will I swing that leg over the saddle
No more will I be staring towards the horizon
With the wind and the rain as companion
With the sun to drive me on
With the mountains to distract me.
No more will I be singing those songs
Over and over again
Or the conversations that go around
in circles in my head
with no where to go

No more will I look for that elusive turn off
Or that short cut
To take me where I know not
To live each day
with wonder or trepidation
at every turn.
With the knowledge that the unknown
Is only the unknown
until you know it.
And just around the corner
Is Adventure..
With your name on it.
No more?

No more will I buckle on my boots
No more will I strap up my helmet
No more will I swing that leg over the saddle
No more will I be staring towards the horizon
With the wind and the rain as companion
With the sun to drive me on
With the mountains to distract me.
No more will I be singing those songs
Over and over again
Or the conversations that go around
in circles in my head
with no where to go

No more will I look for that elusive turn off
Or that short cut
To take me where I know not
To live each day
with wonder or trepidation
at every turn.
With the knowledge that the unknown
Is only the unknown
until you know it.
And just around the corner
Is Adventure..
With your name on it.
No more?

I don't think so.
See ya next time..